This tale is set at a very normal school named Spuds Middle school. One ordinary day when the bell had just rung and everyone was in their class, when suddenly all the doors in the school were automatically locked! To try and get out the children get the heaviest thing in the room and it was a fire extinguisher. So they threw that at the window and for their surprise the extinguisher bounced right out of the window! Then a late child came, that had just been to the dentist and his Dad was just watching him go in the school. Then he ran back to his father and said that the school was locked and he couldn't get in. Then both of them saw the children screaming for help inside the building. So the boy, James, and his dad were thinking and thinking. Until James had an idea! He told his dad his idea and the idea was this; James's dad would crash into the entrance of the school and break free all the children with his car. So his dad drives into the school entrance and at first his car just bounces off the entrance like the fire extinguisher. James's dad tries again but before he could get to the school. the whole school vanished!! With all the children inside!!
The End