Appalling Apostrophes - The Storyteller's Nightmare

Appalling Apostrophes - The Storyteller's Nightmare

Learn about apostrophes and then use your knowledge to choose the right word to fill in the gaps!

An apostrophe replaces a missing letter (or letters) or indicates "possession" (belonging to).

For example:

Missing letters:

I cannot (can't) remember my name!

He is (he's) a silly billy.

We are (we're) going to the beach tomorrow.

Possession: (if we are talking about one person or one thing's possession the apostrophe goes before the 's')

The Storyteller's hat was yellow.

Annnabelle's pearls were plum-coloured.

The bird's feathers were red and black with white spots.

(if we are talking about more than one person or thing's possession then the apostrophe comes AFTER the 's')

The cows' calves were leaping around the field.

The boys' football went over the fence.

The dogs' baskets were in the corner.

HOWEVER (and this is a great big HOWEVER)

...if you are using a "pronoun" replacement for the owner of the possession (his, her, our, your, their) then because the pronoun you are using already shows possession you do NOT use an apostrophe at all!!!


This book is yours.

Yours is bigger than ours.

His hair was longer than hers.