The Titanic!

a polo bears tale!


My story starts on an iceberg full of polo bears! The polar bears hate it hear! its cold, there's is nothing to eat and there no decent shops! Then one polo bear with a really cool top hat! Decides to build an iceberg! but no ordinarily iceberg! this iceberg  will take the unhappy polo bears to the new land (at an acceptable price!) were they have central heating,  penguins are plentiful, and most importantly they have shops like HMV, new look, Top shop and no horrible smelly shops like Tesco that exploit small farms and business! boo Tesco! Then on the day of the sail, in an ice cave not far away was jack O'conal, the worlds first Irish polo bear. He won a ticket in a game of tiddlywinks and being the big puffy pretty boy jack was, he made a big scene getting to the iceberg by shout at people and telling them to get out of his was because he had a ticket for the iceberg, even thought it didn't leave for another hour! A Miss Rose Puffy, a rich polo bear how was unhappy because she had so much money and no one to share it with! She was also a little suicidal and was how she meat Jack. When Rose tried to throw her self over board she was wearing her shiny peal necklace and being Irish Jack was attracted by the shininess of her shiny necklace and save her. They fell in love, but Rose's family would never let them be together so Jack had an idea! Not a very good one but he was a polo bear! They were to elope and sail away on a door (it was the only thing Jack could find that floated!) Then late one foggy night Rose and Jack slipped away. Also that night the iceberg was hit by a big dumb ship called the Titanic, which had a man and a woman on the front shouting "I'm king of the w- oh ****!" they were both thrown into the sea when the ship and iceberg collided. The iceberg and the Titanic sank to the bottom of the sea taking with them their passengers, both polo bears and humans! The two humans that's fall into the sea took refuge on a floating door where they meat a very angry polo bear who was annoyed because it was his door, it was all he had left! Rose had left him for a seal! The worlds first and least Irish polo bear ate the two humans. A few days later he was eaten by some passing aliens!

The End!

The morel of this story is don't shop at Tesco or any other well know super markets! They exploit many small farms and business, paying them very little money for their hard work and cute animals which you eat! *sob poor Muffin* Also be on the look out for aliens!