the beast of bodmin moor  

  it was a lovely day in Cornwall walking through the moor on my own up to the mountain to see if the beast was real. it was a stupid idea. at first I saw the beast behind me but I didn't think that it was real at first because i just saw a glimpse of it. it looked like a big tree at the start but then i looked again and it was the beast running towards me. i ran as fast as i could but it was gaining on me. eventually i caught up with me and we had a big fight. I saw it had a sword in his back so i tricked it and pulled out the sword. the beast screamed so loud it deafened me for a bit. when my hearing came back we fought again. SUDDENLY, THE HERO CAME AND JUMPED ON THE BEAST AND STARTED TO FIGHT HIM AGAIN, BUT HE WAS TO STRONG HE STABBED ME IN THE CHEST. I DIED AND THE HERO WASN'T A HERO ANY MORE BECAUSE HE LET ME DIE. the beast grabbed the hero and started to snap his bones in half. he screamed his loudest and then died but left one message i love..... and then he died. the monster took us back to his cave and ate us for his dinner. no-one has ever heard of the monster again.

                                         the end

