FIRE!!! by Nick from Abbotsfield
It was a hot summer night in Uxbridge Town Centre. Lightning was flashing around the sky and threatening to set fire to the shopping centre. Sparks were flying everywhere.
In panic, the firemen were throwing buckets of water at the sky in a desperate attempt to deflect the lightning but the flashes came ever closer.
There was a short lull in the storm and Martin James rushed in on his Brigade BMW motorbike. He leaped from the saddle and shouted:
"We must evacuate the town centre - hurry - no time to waste!"
Blue Brigade rushed hither and thither evacuating like mad (there were a good few people who really didn't want to leave!) But Blue Brigade persevered and soon the town centre was quiet.
The lightning struck again and again. Martin James ordered Blue Brigade to fall to their knees and pray to the God of Fire.
Now, the God of Fire was, actually, having the most wonderful time and Blue Brigade's prayers only served to annoy him at first. He stirred a little bit faster and the flashes grew bigger and more powerful.
Eventually their pleas began to calm him. He stopped for a minute and thought. He came up with a cunning plan. For ages now his wife had been pestering him for one of those half-price three piece suites from DFS and his own X-box was quite played out (actually why he had decided to have a bit of fun with Uxbridge Town Centre - he was, quite simply, bored!)
So he offered Blue Brigade a deal. If he was allowed one item, free of charge, from each shop in the shopping centre, he would stop the storm.
Did they agree? Well, have there been any more storms in Uxbridge? NO!! The God of Fire is happily sitting, as we tell this tale, on his DFS half-price three piece suite playing with his brand new, super-duper X-box (with three up to the minute games thrown in for nothing!)