mighty mouse


In a sewer were the 21stcentery lived we turn into mutants and the 31stcentery lived up top .the 31stcentery are invading the sewer in there metal suits because they are wosis  .the mutants forty with all they fours but 6 of them died and2 injured .then a little small squeak came it was a mouse. he said" maybe I can help squeak" and the mutants replied" you can't help u are just a small mouse" .The next day the people came again but this time the mouse was there the mutants ran to them and then fled but then stopped...It was the mouse he pick on one at a time. The mouse climbed up metal man and found his way into the control area. Mighty Mouse decided the best thing to do was to chew the eye out of the man. The mouse took the eye back to the mutants and said "One down, two to go!!" He chewed his way through both eyes and pressed a self-destruct button on the machine and ran!! The mutants had eye-ball stew!.