Leading Men

Leading Men

I will give you the film, you give me the leading man!

2            3      
4          5        
 6     7          8    
11           12       
    14        15      

2. and 1 down - Indiana Jones
3. and 4 across - Seven Days in Tibet
4. see 3 across
5. see 9 across
6. and 7 down - Silence of The Lambs
9. and 5 across - Dr Zhivago
11. and 12 across - Gone With the Wind
12. see 11 across
14. see 10 down
16. and 11 down (along with 13 down and 2 down) any of the "Road to..." films
17. see 15 down

1. see 2 across
2. see 13 down
3. see 8 down
7. see 6 across
8. and 3 down The Godfather
10. and 14 across The Shining
11. see 16 across
13. and 2 down (along with 16 across and 11 down) any of the "Road to..." films
15. and 17 across - the ultimate James Bond!