Number cruncher

Number cruncher

  1         2    3    
4         5        
6       7     8       
  12        13       
    15        16     

4. and 14 down - this far away from Tulsa according to Gene Pitney
5. and 6 across and 5 down - how many spotty dogs was it?
6. see 5 across
8. Three of these and you have an emergency!
10. see 10 across
12. and 13 down - Heinz said they had this number of varieties
13. and 13 across and 10 down - the sign of the devil!
16. Tea for ?
17. Unlucky for some

1. and 15 down - this many trombones in the parade
2. The number of commandments
3. Coins in the Fountain
5. see 5 across
7. Do we eat this mints after this time at night (or do we scoff them during the day?)
9. The number of the President's plane
10. see 10 across
11. ? Days of Christmas
12. This many days and this many nights were spent in the wilderness
13. see 12 across
14. see 4 across
15. see 1 down