Only Fools...

Only Fools...


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

1          2        3   
    4       5        
6         7          
 9        10          
11    12               
        13        14   


1. see 16 down
2. Where the action takes place
5. 16 down and 7 down's son
6. Wife of 11 across
9. What 15 across calls 11 across
10. and 17 across - character played by Buster Merryfield
11. The younger Trotter brother
15. He who calls 11 across 9 across!!
17. see 10 across


1. Wheeler dealer "friend" to the Trotters
3. see 14 down
4. Wife of 1 down
7. Wife to 16 down
8. see 13 down
12. Long-distance lorry-driver friend of the Trotters (they decorated his house!)
13. and 8 down - friend (?) to 11 across
14. and 3 down - name of the block of flats where the Trotters lived
16. and 1 across - Derek's nickname