Planes and Boats and Trains

Planes and Boats and Trains

Crossword - famous trains, boats, planes etc - learn a little more about each one

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

    1       2      
4          5     6    
  7       8      9    
12         13        


1. The first steam train Have a go at building your own!
3. Donald Campbell's speed machine Find out more by clicking here
4. see 12 across
5. The (rather boring) name of the Wright Brothers' first plane The story is somewhat more interesting though!
7. and 9 across 7 down and 10 down - Lindbergh's plane More here!
9. see 7 across
10. Ship which sank of the South of Ireland in 1915 Read the full story here
12. and 4 across - Sir Francis Chichester's yacht - Read about his life and exploits here
13. Amelia Earhart's first plane Amelia's life story here


2. The very first submarine ever Would you believe it?
6. and 11 down - the bearer of the first Nuclear Bomb More details here
7. see 7 across
8. Just about the most famous sinking ship ever! Did you know this?
10. see 7 across
11. see 6 down