Day of Doom!!


In the heart of Manhattan, there is a killing spree going on. Two killers are afoot, and they are highly dangerous. They are Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees. They have teamed up and are out to kill anyone they can. Two teenagers, both 17, Kevin and Lucy, are trying to stop them. They have phoned the police but they say it happens all the time and there's nothing they can do. They try to warn people but they just wont listen. Its the same everywhere. The reason is that Manhattan is used to this sort of thing and people get used to it. Kevin and Lucy think the best thing to do is flee the country.

"If we stay here then we are going to die!" Said Kevin "We need to get out of the country and live somewhere else."

They were on the backstreet on their apartment, when they heard a strange noise. A huge gust of wind hit them. A blue box started to appear. It faded in, and just appeared from nowhere. It looked to be an old police box from 1950's England. A man stepped out, and fainted straight away.

"Who do you think he is?" Lucy asked Kevin.

"Maybe he is some random magician! I don't know do I!?"

Kevin and Lucy took the strange man into their apartment. They put him into bed and went to sit outside. They wondered who this man was. He was a strange man, with long blonde hair, and clothes that did not suit him at all. They thought they should investigate the Police box. They tried to open the door but it would not open. Kevin kicked it, but he ended up holding his foot.

"Kevin! Are you alright?" Lucy asked

"Go and get some ice!!" He replied.

Lucy went into the apartment, only to find the strange man standing at the front door.

"You'll never get into it! The man said.

Lucy knew he was talking about the blue box. She was scared. She ran back to Kevin who was still on the floor in some pain. She told him what had happened. The man walked toward them.

"I'm the doctor!" He said.

He opened the door of the blue box. Kevin and Lucy followed, Kevin still holding his leg.

"Its called the TARDIS! That's Time And Relative dimension in space!"

 It was much bigger on the inside, impossibly bigger. Lucy was scared. She asked the Doctor if he could help. He said he could and he would. He also told her that he had just regenerated from another body, as his other body had died in a war against the Cyberdaleks.

"What are Cyberdaleks?" Kevin asked

"A Dalek and a Cyberman evolved into one form!! You know what they are because they invaded Earth and had a battle! Then they formed in the void and escaped, BUT... Don't worry about that. Lets get onto this problem. So there's two killers. There killing everyone on earth. Well I know just what to do!" The doctor said in a long speech. " What I'm going to do is turn them against each other using the electro magno beam that is about to hit earth. I can control it for a few hours, but that plan is just the distraction plan. I have a real plan up my sleeves!!"

The Doctor went outside the TARDIS. He looked up in the sky and there was a big beam of blue pink and green light coming towards them. It hit the TARDIS and there was an enormous mass of energy in their.

" Right, don't suck up any of the energy. It could end up extremely dangerous. "I have just enough power to turn the two killers against each other. I am going to fly the TARDIS over them."

" Will that squash them?" Lucy asked

"No, it will bring them inside" The Doctor replied.

"WHAT! They will kill us!" Kevin shouted.

"No, i am going to open the heart of the TARDIS and they will be blasted out of space and time. So, are you with me??

"Well i certainly am not!" Kevin said

" I am!" Lucy said

"Fine Lucy, if you want to kill yourself then go on, but I'm going! Kevin Said. He ran out of the TARDIS and into the apartment.

The Doctor set course for the killers. He gave Lucy some jobs to do. She didn't say anything. She was upset about Kevin leaving them. The TARDIS landed. She looked and the two killers were there. She ducked behind a chair and the doctor started talking with them. She was so scared. She thought that he must have tricked her! Then the doctor opened a little hatch and the two killers looked into it. They both got blasted out.

"Well that wasn't too hard eh Lucy??"

"Are we safe Doctor??"

He looked outside.

"I am so sorry Lucy! But the power was too much for your world. Half of the universe has gone. You earth will be gone soon. But we can fix it. Me and you together. Travelling the universe, time and space at our feet.

" What about Kevin. Oh forget him. Lets go and save the universe.

The Doctor smiled and set course for the stars!!

The end!!