The street was dirty and cheap. Many people feared of walking down the street in case they would be shot dead or get beating up. No one cared for there houses. They were all dirty and grubby, the outside of them had spray paint on there. The windows had moth eaten curtains. The street was not a nice place to live.

One day, Billy and Bobby was beating up Benny. They were kicking him violently. People on the street watched from there windows and didn't phone the police because they didn't want to get beaten  up them selves. So instead they just watched in fright and anger, some of them decided it was time to move and they went straight to the telephone to call the housing agency.

A girl who did not live on the street walked past. She looked in horror at the bullying. She screamed at them and told them to stop. They looked at her and ignored her. It began to rain and Benny was bleeding. The rain was washing Benny's blood down the street and it went into all the nooks and crannies. The girl screamed and screamed for 5 minutes. But still they would not stop. Then she gave up hope and said a sympathetic sorry to Benny and she walked off.

Then a man came around the corner and saw the bullying. He watched in shock horror and he told them to stop 5 times. He walked back around the corner. 40 seconds had past and people on the street heard a humming sound coming for around the corner. 1 second later the mysterious man came around the corner and he was in a car. So he ran them over and they went flying over the roof off the car and he accidentally ran over Benny too. They were all DEAD and BlOoD wAs PoOrInG oUt On To tHe RoAD. He drove off not caring.



The End          

By Paul (Who is the best)