Once  upon  time  a  family  went to  visit  their  friends  to  celebrate  Halloween. They lived far away  in  dark  city. They  were  there  for  quite  a  long  time  and  when  it  was  finally  Halloween  night, they  were  all  very  excited.


The  father  went  out  to  buy  a  surprise  for  his  daughter. The hours went by  and  he  didn’t  come  back.


Everybody was very worried, when suddenly, the telephone rang. The daughter rushed to the phone. A voice said ``your father is going to die tonight´´. Everybody was afraid.


But, the father had had an accident in his car he had gone over the edge of the road into a ditch trying to avoid a deer. He  was  unconscious  for  some  time and  where  he  woke  up  he  didn’t  know  where  he  was  or  where  to  go. He finally found a small cabin in  the  forest.





He  could  hear  wolves  howling, and  as  he  was  going  to  sleep  he  heard  footsteps…..


He  looked  around  for  something  to  use  to  defend  himself, or  somewhere  to  hide, when  suddenly…..


DADI   shouted his daughter, we’re found you….


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