The last fish-eating Toad by Debbie from Woodford Lodge


Deep, deep down at the bottom of the lake lived a fish-eating toad.  The fish tended to spend their lives hiding from him and one day...well, THEY JUST HAD ENOUGH!


They got together and mixed a potion of deadly poison.  They filled a false fish full of the deadly poison and towed it to where the fish-eating toad was lounging contentedly watching a re-run of Friends.


Unfortunately, it was the one where Phoebe was looking after her triplets and the fish-eating toad took absolutely no notice of the false fish full of poison (he was too busy shouting "she's in the drawer!" at Phoebe who had lost one of the triplets) and a passing eel snatched the false fish full of poison.  We will not go into the details of the ghastly death of the passing eel, now full of false fish full of poison but shall move on swiftly.


The very next day, a female fish-eating toad appeared at the bottom of the sea and took rather a fancy to our friend (no, I know, he was NOT the fishes' friend, but no reason why he shouldn't be ours is there?)  She hopped around him gurgling prettily (what do you mean toads DO NOT gurgle prettily?  This one did - is all!) and soon she had him hooked. 


Both toads settled down nicely (they stopped eating fish by the way when the vicar toad who married them converted them to vegetarianism) and all was well deep, deep, down on the sea floor.


Until...until...they had a baby toad.  At first the baby was as cute as muffins covered with chocolate sauce and everyone cooed and aaahed all over him.  But he had a wicked gleam in his eye.  The wicked gleam spread all over him as he grew older and he terrorised both the fish and his parents and life became unbearable.


I wish this tale had a happy ending but I am afraid it hasn't.  After three and a half years there were no more fish deep, deep, down at the bottom of the sea floor, and there was only one fish-eating toad there too.  Unfortunately, the one fish-eating toad is now as big as a house with nothing to eat so he has had to move off the deep, deep sea floor...where is he now?



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