The Naughty Weather Goblin


By Emma



There was once a little cottage in the countryside, overlooking the sea.  There was a light breeze blowing that day the poppies were swaying there little red heads in the old mans garden and there was a young couple walking along the path behind his cottage.

       This all changed however when the weather goblin came across the little cottage and thought, “that would be a nice place to stay,” so he went up the path and rang the doorbell “have you got a spare room that a little goblin like me could stay in?” he asked the old man.

 “Certainly not I would never get any privacy and there would be too much noise,” the old man said abruptly

“I would never be any trouble,” the weather goblin replied reasonably.”

“Even so you cannot stay here; I haven’t got a room anyway.”

“You are lying, I can tell, and that makes me mad.”

“Go away you are not welcome here,”

“Fine but you haven’t heard the last of me.” The goblin said and walked off.

       Since then however the little cottage on top of the hill has not been a sunny breezy lovely place to go there was always a strong wind, rain and often thunderstorms, and there was a person or something haunting his house.

“This has to stop he said to himself I bet it is that naughty goblin that came to ask me for a room I will have to ring up my friend Wizard he will be able to do something.”

       Hello Wizard I was just wondering if you could do me a favour I have this naughty goblin that is making the weather around my area very bad,”

“Hmm and I guess you want me to come and get rid of it for you, Ok I will be round as soon as I can, bye,” the wizard said bluntly and cut off

“Oh bye then,”  

The Wizard came the next day “oh hello,” said the wizard cheerfully “looks like you got out of bed the wrong side this morning,” said the wizard

“I have had the most awful night,” said the old man, yawning,

“Oh dear, where is it then?”

“It normally comes about eleven,”

“It is ten thirty now so let’s wait for half an hour and see if it comes.”


Half an hour later


There was a rumbling sound and the wizard jumped out of his chair “goodness me what on earth was that?”

“The weather goblin, you can go out and get rid of it now can’t you?”

“Ok.” He went outside, there was a lot of noise, and then a splash the old man went outdoors “what was that?” he said to himself

“That was the wizard falling into the sea!” the goblin laughed “nobody can kill me, nobody, ha-ha.”

The old man went inside “now what am I going to do now?” he said,

There was a ring at the doorbell “now he is even coming to ask me again you can not have a room go away!”

“Fine then I will go,” said his rather surprised Nephew

“Oh no I didn’t mean you; it is so nice to see you again.”

“Who did you mean then?” said his Nephew

“The weather goblin,”

“Oh are you having problems with him,”

“Yes and I don’t know what to do, could you help?”

“I know the pixie council could help they deal with naughty goblins of all kinds, they would help I am sure.”

“Oh thank you I will ring them right away you are a hero,”

The pixie council came around straight away and turned him into a three hundred year old goblin but goblins are only allowed to live until they are two hundred and ninety-nine, so he died.  The Wizard however disappeared, everybody thought he was sent to timbukthree but nobody really knows and everyone lived happily ever after.      




The End

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