New York, New York by Brian


The streets of New York were over-run by giant robots. 


The people of New York brought in fierce tigers to try to rid the streets of these massive metal men. 

The tigers tried their best but the giant robots proved too gigantic and too strong for them and they ran away with their tails between their legs.

Iron Kong was visiting friends in Chicago when he heard about the robots.  Now, Iron Kong was bigger and better than any giant robot, so he got on his moped (what do you mean?  What's wrong with a moped?) and set off for New York.

As it turned out he didn't need to do more than throw the odd punch at the giant robots.  The very sight of Iron Kong on his moped was enough to make them fall on the ground with laughter and the people of New York were able to dismantle them quite easily and cart them off to the tip.

A big statue was raised to Iron Kong - it showed him perched on his moped of course, but the New Yorkers don't ever, ever laugh at him - and neither should you!

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