Clementine and the Clucking Voice

 Clementine’s clogs clacked loudly along the cobbled street, breaking the early morning silence that clung over the town. She was tired cold and hungry and felt thoroughly ashamed of the way that she made a living. The only comfort was from the bulging handbag which she clasped closely under her arm .To get mugged now and lose it would be a calamity after she had worked so hard to earn it. A cloud clattered across the moon, making Clementine shiver, she must get home as quickly as possible, and certainly before dawn broke – the possibility of her neighbours seeing her like this and picking up clues as to what she actually did for a living did not bear thinking about – they all thought that she was an Air Hostess (at least that explained the unsocial hours). 

As she reached her street and wearily climbed the steps to her door, Clementine noticed, amongst the clutter of rubbish around the bins a four leafed clover peeping up, trying to find a clear space for itself . Feeling rather silly, she quickly put it into her clutch bag – she wasn’t really superstitious, but you never knew. 

As she turned back to push her key into the lock she heard a clucking voice behind her‘I knew that I would get you eventually (cluck) – you think that you’re so clever don’t you (cluck), claiming all that money out of people clunking out of night clubs (cluck)- too sleepy to know or care what they are eating (cluck, cluck)’ Clementine froze; she thought that she had been so careful – With one clean clip, the recently cleaned cleaver removed Clementine’s arm at the elbow – it clip-clopped it’s way down the steps with a clink and a clank  and came to rest at the bottom, still clutching the four-leafed clover daintily between thumb and forefinger. 

The last thing that Clementine heard before everything went black was ‘Try serving those (cluck) clammy chicken burgers now (cluck, cluck)’. The following night people stopping at McClucky King on their way home for a cheap chicken burger found a notice saying ‘It was meant to be an “armless prank”(cluck), but it got out of hand (cluck)– McClucky King is closed until further Notice (cluck, cluck)’ P.S. ‘Have you tried Vegeburgers ‘r’ Us, next door but one………(cluck)’

1. What did Clementine's neighbours think she did for a living?
2. What did Clementine see peeping out between the rubbish?
3. Why do you think the cleaver had been recently cleaned?
4. Who do you think the killer was (a type of animal perhaps?)
5. Are you superstitious? Do you think a four-leaved clover is lucky?
