

Gladys the Glow-worm

Gladys the glow-worm was not feeling very glamourous…………in fact her glowing had become only a glimmer…………she did not indeed feel like putting on her glad rags this evening as she had fallen in love with a gladiator from Glasgow who had glandular fever and who was not so glorious as he had led her to think…………..he was a globe-trotter and he had decided to go off globe-trotting all on his own so she was feeling very glum indeed . She looked for her gloves in the glove compartment of her gleaming car – alas all she found was the glove puppet that her gladiator friend loved to play with. Ever since the global warming had started he had left his gloves in the glove compartment. Gladys thought how in the glacial period, the gloves would have been very very ‘handy’ indeed. All of a sudden she caught a glimpse of her gladiator friend who was eating globe artichokes in the gloomy cafe next door. He really was a glutton…………that was for sure.   
Then with a glum look, Gladys say the Gladiator’s glass eye fall into his glass of water. She saw him glaring at her from only one eye. Full of glee she took a tube of glue and glued the glass eye back in place. ! ! ! The gladiator had a gleaming glitter in his glass eye and with just one glimpse, Gladys felt very gleeful and glamourous again. Gladys was very glad to be a gleeful glow-worm and ordered another plate of globe artichokes before gliding off to Glasgow. 

1. Who had Gladys fallen in love with?  
2. What was in the glove compartment of the car?
3. What was her friend eating in the gloomy cafe?
4. Where did Gladys glide off to?
5. If you could go globe-trotting like the Gladiator - where would you go and why?