Mad Kate

A mad _______ named _______ made off to the sewer bleeding heavily from the _______.

On the streets above, the rain was sweeping along. It was quite quiet and deserted except for the _______ racing down the road, at the wheel of her car, screaming with glee.

Above the sound of her laughter, and the car stereo, she had heard the _______ as her tyre had made contact with the poor creature, but was too far down the road to madness to _______.

The cat stopped _______ in it's tracks (well not quite "dead" you understand). It's ruined head turned slowly until the one good eye locked in on the _______ lights of the car, zig-zagging down the road.

Its mouth drew back in a _______ snarl and a bright _______ beam hissed and sizzled its way to the car, now slewed across the road under a lone street _______.

blue care cat dead ear female Kate lamp screech tail tail wide

