"sc" blend


Scott took a long deep breath and let rip a scream of such blood-curdling reality, that even the bored-looking casting director nearly jumped out of his skin.


Scott had long since accepted that he was never going to make it in front of the camera - he was a scrawny looking individual, scruffy and thin with a permanent layer of scurf on his coat-hanger shoulders.


However, his ambition to be a star of the big screen was realised when, on a hot day (this is relevant as all of the windows in his squalid bedsit were open), he was attempting to scramble some eggs for his lunch.  He managed to set fire to the pan, and thus to his long greasy hair.  As he flailed around attempting to put out the flames, the scalding heat sizzled it's way up his hair to his scalp and he let rip a scream so loud that it was heard by a Movie Director sitting at the traffic lights in the street below.


He immediately jumped from the car, leaving behind a bewildered Chauffeur, scratching his head, shrugging his shoulders and then pulling over to the side of the road, scuffling off around the corner for a crafty listen to the Birdie Song (something which never failed to calm him down).


Following the screams, the Movie Director found Scott with his head immersed in the toilet bowl of the common first floor loo (his sink being too full with scummy week-old washing up to let him get his head under the tap.


There and then - and mostly talking to Scott's slightly less attractive end, he offered him a part screaming,  for famous actors who could not, in his new blockbuster "The Scandinavian Scallop Scandal" - a political thriller - the plot though, to be honest, is a bit fishy to be honest!


Once Scott had removed his scalded scalp from the toilet bowl, he agreed at once (although for some reason the Director did not want to shake on the deal!)


At about the same time as Scott was screaming in the movie studio - Scarlett Carlot, a wannabee movie starlet, was squealing her last as the Director's hitmen slowly twisted the silk scarf around her neck until she could no longer breathe.


Alas it had to be done, the Director had had enough of her.  After all,  all he had done was spend time with her in the lunch hour instead of playing war games on his Playstation 2!  But then she got greedy and demanded the lead role in his new film - especially when he wanted Nicole Scidman!  Anyway, his cunning plan had just about worked out  because   Scott could scream so loud that it drowned out all other noise and left your ears buzzing for at least five minutes.........which was just long enough.................
