Shane the Great White Shark was feeling a little blue.  Earlier that day a hump-backed whale had shoved him off the coral reef he was resting on and Shane had been shaken to the bone with shock.


Up above, on the sea shore, an old man was fishing for catfish.  He was shaking with excitement because his long lost grandson was coming for a visit and he wanted everything to be just so.


Shane was shimmying along the shiny sand at the bottom of the bay, thinking shady thoughts about that hump-backed whale and not really looking where he was going.


Suddenly something bumped him on the nose.


Shane shot around three metres up in  the sea and shattered the calm of the bay.  He turned this way and that, trying to see what had hit him.  The water around him was churning up beautifully with his shoving and shaking and the sand was swirling up around so he could actually see nothing at all by the time he had finished!


The old man shook himself when he saw the shallow water being stirred up into a frothy mess.  Suddenly out of the swirls he saw a fin.  Now he was a little short-sighted and he leaned a little closer over the water to see who or what was causing the fuss.  The fin seemed to be circling in some confusion – going this way and that and, quite frankly, getting nowhere at all.  The old man wiped his eyes with his shirt to try to make some sense of it.


Shane was actually getting a little worried about not being able to see what was going on around him and decided to make that final leap into the fresh air to work out where he was. 


The old man was leaning further and further over the water because there was a small chance that the fin belonged to a catfish and he really wanted to take one home for his grandson.


Oh yes, I forgot to say that the grandson had arrived early and was, at this point, creeping up behind his granddad to give him the most wonderful surprise.


Shane shot out, grandson grabbed granddad, granddad shoved grandson away in shock, granddad gently fell slowly towards the sea, Shane showed sharks teeth, granddad groaned, grandson giggled (nervously of course) Shane shivered with shame, granddad gasped and gurgled, Shane snapped sharply. 


Grandad gone, Shane sheepish, grandson grandadless.


Hey ho.


Moral of this story – never ever creep up on Grandads when they are hanging over the sea looking at sharks!!!
