Sparkle Sprite and the Spangly Sprats

She packed her maps and set off to the _________ in her new Esprit motor car.
"What a spree this is going to be," she _________ to herself as she drove along. "I just can't wait to get there!"
Where is "there"? You may well ask. Sparkle wasn't the sort to plan as thoroughly as she should and her _________ destination was a point somewhere on an island called Sprout Island (mostly because it was shaped like a _________ Sprout - a happy choice as Brussels Sprouts were Sparkle's very favourite _________...don't let's even think about that one!).
Anyway, Sparkle sprinted from her Esprit on to her pale _________ (musn't forget the sprinkling of purple stars) yacht. She cast off and the yacht sprang out of the harbour like a spanner from a sprocket ("a _________ from a sprocket?" I hear you ask - I rather like it myself!) 
Sparkle had spread her _________ out on the cabin table and was measuring measurements and generally looking very professional, when the yacht stopped.

Brussels final hummed maps peach port spanner vegetable

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