Swan switched off the light in his nest on the swimming pool in the swannery, swatted at a fly who was flying by and gazed out over the swampland at a swarm of bees who happened to be swarming swiftly along beside a swallow who had just swished in from Swahililand. Or maybe it was a swift – Swan thought how alike swallows and swifts were as he swayed from side to side in his swivel chair swallowing Swiss sweetmeats. Maybe he would swim down the river to Switzerland to visit his Swiss cousins who lived far away in …………you’ve guessed rightly ………Switzerland……………    
He quickly ironed his rather sweet sweatshirt to take with him before he left,  swotted up on the route he would take to reach Switzerland thinking it would be swell to visit his swanky Swedish swan cousins in Sweden on the way...Then he remembered what swindlers they were and changed his mind………… He packed his bags, left………had a last swing on his garden swing and then swam swiftly out of sight. The fly he had swatted, swayed out of his way – not very swiftly because of its swollen wing. The poor fly took a swig of brandy before taking off and swooshed away over the swamp thinking that he would find himself a sword should he ever come back again.  
May I add that Swan had a swell time in Switzerland with his Swiss cousins…….and in Switzerland he did buy a swanky swimming costume ( it was pink with yellow swirls)  
When he came back to the swannery he saw the swallow (or swift) who was swishing back to Swahililand followed by a swarm of bees and a very swollen fly brandishing a sword….he sat back in his swivel chair wearing his new swanky swimming costume and sweet sweatshirt and swallowed back a nice tin of Swiss swordfish while swaying to and fro……………….he fell into a swoon and later would swear that his favourite song « Swanny River » had been swirling around in his sweet dreams of Swansoot the chimney sweep sweeping the chimney of his nest…………….and would you believe when he awoke the chimney had really been swept ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Swan who was normally white was now quite black but that’s beside the point isn’t it ? ? ? ? ? ?  
1. Swan was not sure what kind of bird he saw flying in from Swahaliland - what were the two birds he thought it might have been?
2. Swan thought he might visit some other cousins on his way to Switzerland, where did they live and why did he decide not to visit them?
3. What colour was Swan's new swimming costume?
4. What song was Swan convinced he heard while snoozing?
5. Swan went to visit his cousins in Switzerland - is there anyone you would like to visit and where do they live?
