Throgmorton and the Throbbing Throne

Throgmorton looked down.
There, at the foot of the weeping willow was a small figure, dressed in red velvet and wearing a bright _________ crown.
"Who are you?" whispered Throgmorton _________.
The figure looked up, tears dribbling down its face.
"I...I...I am the King of Conkerdom and I should be sitting on my _________ deep in the woods watching over all the conkers which are nearly ready to be picked." He sighed deeply.
"I can't stand it though, my throne has started to _________ and I just can't cope!" Whereupon he threw himself to the ground and _________ noisily.
Throgmorton thought to himself for a short while, then thrust his beak into the air, coughed three times and flew down to the King of Conkerdom.
"Come with me," he spluttered. "I have a _________ plan."

cunning golden sobbed throatily throb throne

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