Florence the Flamenco Dancer

Florence flicked back her long raven ringlets as she flounced across the highly polished floor.

She loved flamenco dancing - it was only a hobby of course, but one that she was totally passionate about, so much so that she had sold her flat in Fleetsbridge and purchased a small but very pretty villa in Spain so that she could be near some of the best flamenco dancers in the world.

Florence had a boyfriend, a short balding waiter called Manuel, who played guitar whilst Florence danced - she loved to see him sitting on the window seat, strumming his guitar whilst the suns rays gently burnt his balding head scarlet (his face of course remained pasty white as he had his back to the window).

Florence, being a romantic soul, liked to have candles burning around the lounge while she danced to add atmosphere - this was of course her undoing.

On a particularly warm evening, as Manuel was frantically strumming and Florence was flouncing, she had a sudden and extremely embarrassing attack of "fluffing" (think about it!) - Manuel reeled back in horror and flipped backwards out of the window, unfortunately onto a flagstone floor ten meters below - at the same time, a candle which was caught in the blast flickered and set fire to a curtain which was next to a chair and so on until the entire house was ablaze.

Florence flung herself out of the window in desperation, flattening Manuel who was just trying to sit up having merely suffered concussion.

"Flipping heck "Florence was heard to say - I would rebuild my house and call it 
Tara", just like the one in "Gone with the wind"!

1. Where did Florence buy her villa?
2. What instrument did Manuel, Florence's boyfriend play?
3. What kind of floor did Manuel fall out of the window on to?
4. What would Florence like to call her house when she rebuilt it?
5. Manuel suffered "concussion" - can you explain what this is?

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